6 jan. 2016

Winter is coming

Winter is finally here with temperatures below - 20 °C. I took a long walk along the shoreline today when we have a public holiday. With the right clothing these temperatures aren't that extreme. Unfortunately my old vintage lens didn't agree and the focusing mechanism got so stiff that I was forced to change the lens to a wide angel one. Perhaps that wasn't too bad because I got more varied photos this way.

Winter light

Winter light II

Ice breaker


S/y Lunni



South cardinal

2 kommentarer:

Natašek sa...

Beautiful scenic photographs. Can't believe how cold your winter is. Can barely speak of snow over here :)

Matias sa...

Thank you. Well, the cold is relative. :) During Christmas some people were still playing golf in southern Finland and the temperature was close to ten degrees Celsius. And in the north they now recently had temperatures below minus forty degrees. Unfortunately, not much snow here in Southern Finland either. Let's hope for a change there both here and there in Slovenia!